Seven Ways to Refactor Java Switch Statements

最近在浏览V2ex的时候发现一个帖子很有趣,Java 代码 switch 分支过多,怎么改写比较优雅呢?,在留言里面发现一篇文章,觉得挺好,转载在这。 Is a well-known

Understanding Memory Reordering

系列的第四篇~ In the previous article of this series, Lock-free multithreading with atomic operations, I introduced lock-free multithreading: a low-level strategy for synchronizing threads in concurrent software. Based upon atomic operations — machine instructions performed directly by the CPU that can’t be broken into smaller steps, lock-free multithreading provides a faster and more fine-tuned synchronization mechanism if compared to traditional primitives like mutexes and semaphores.

Que Sera Sera

Whatever will be,will be~ 国庆假期不想出去看人头,宅在家里吃老妈做的家乡菜,好惬意。 公司最近有点不太平,融的钱估计烧得差不多了,大家心照不宣,都在等靴子落地。